Monday, October 18, 2010

It's been awhile....

So, I think it has been awhile since I last wrote. Summer came and went, and school has started once again. I have a few posts stored up from the beginning of summer. I had a couple weeks without internet where I tried to be good and keep up the posts, even though I couldn't put them online. However once I got my internet back, clearly I didn't get back into the habit of posting here. Therefore sometime in the next few days I will try and find those somewhere on my computer and post them. Maybe I'll even try and write a brief summary of my summer. I mean, I did turn 21 and Anna left for China for 2 years. Though I guess besides that I did little else than work.

It is very exciting though that I started my last quarter of undergrad! I'm taking only 13 credits, which is the least amount of credits I have ever taken. I was hoping it would be a very easy quarter, however in taking Math (though its only pre-calculus) I now have HW all the time. Plus, my Psychology of Language course has 3 five page papers. It isn't horrible, but its not "easy" either. And the class that I knew would be the most difficult (French 401) is holding true to its expectations, demanding at least one paper per week. I do feel like I'm learning a lot about writing though, so I'm still happy with this arrangement. We'll see how I feel at the end of the quarter.

I'm getting into the holiday spirit early this season, and I'm really worried that because its way too early to feel seasonal that I'll lose it. Therefore I'm trying to focus my excitement now into seasonal art projects, and hold off on more complex seasonal activities (like music and movies) until months from now. I think a large part of my excitement is that I know that I will be DONE with school come this holiday season, which is exciting in its own right. Plus I love my family and I'm excited to see them all in one place again. Plus, its La Nina this year so there is supposed to be a lot of snow... I hope that is the case but since everyone is forecasting that it seems like that just has to mean it won't actually happen. I'm excited to take a train over to the east side and visit Laura, and I'm excited to have the back-up option of taking a train down to Edmonds if its snowy over here (No way would I drive in that!).

Another big topic to discuss if I continue to write on this blog is that of my future plans. Seeing as I'm graduating soon, I really need to figure out what I will do next. I have a few ideas, and I will go into those at another time. Right now, its 8:50am and I should be editing my paper. I have this new thing where I wake up early even though I don't have class until 10am. I make my coffee, and drink it leisurely while doing my math HW, revising my French essays, or studying for tests. I really like it as a time to work and feel like I'm more productive now than in the evenings. Plus, I would lose so much of the day if I didn't wake up til 9. And probably most of all, waking up at 6 feels kind of early, 7 feels just about right, and 8 feels like sleeping in. I love having the option to sleep in and still have time in the morning, and I also love that I could feel like I slept in soooo late (9am) and still be fine for class. It's all perspective I suppose.

Ok, well anyway, for any of you still out there (I don't know who would still check this after so long without a post), I hope more posts are to come and I'll be seeing you again shortly!

1 comment:

  1. fiiiiiinnnnaaaaaaalllllllllyyyyyyy! =) I enjoy reading your blog.
