Wednesday, May 5, 2010

What to do next?

I'm still talking to my boss about Nannying. She's worried about taking him out of the daycare for a year and then losing a spot. They're also reducing hours at the elementary (budget cuts). We'll see about that.

Either way I'm going to need another job. I can't keep working at Western because its a student only job. I'm starting to look around now because I know it takes awhile to find a job. Problem with that is that even if I find a place I could work, I wouldn't be able to start working there until January 2011. But alas, it can't hurt to look.

I went and talked to both the Linguistics and French department. I seem good to graduate in both. Going to the Psych department either tomorrow or Friday.

I need to take the math placement test next week because registration is the week after that. I am going to study this weekend.

From next week on, I have at least a presentation per week. Plus I have a couple papers due.

Back to the long term... When I talked to the French department, they got me interested in either working in France for 7 mos as a teacher, or going to grad school. Weird, aye? (Different from my previous plans circulating in my head, but I can't seem to get these new ones out.)

So next fall I'm going to apply for a 7mo assistance-ship where I would help out in a class room for kids ages 8-11. I would be teaching them English, but I would need to know French because they won't be very good in English yet. If I do that, I would leave Fall 2011, at the end of my lease in Bellingham. (Good timing).

If I decide not to do that or don't get in, starting Fall 2011 I think I'll start either further studies in French or my Early Education degree. I can imagine doing both. I would probably do both of those being in the Seattle area.

I still plan on volunteering in Africa for a month in an orphanage and visiting Anna for a week or two in China.

I will need to make lots of money (see above paragraph). I really hope I get the nanny job and another more official job, because that way I should actually be able to raise some money.

I am going to Audit 1 french class per quarter during Winter and Spring to stay completely in that mode.

I found a daycare in Seattle that is French Immersion, pretty much exactly what I want to do. I feel like trying and working there once I live in that area again.

So that means things that will be on my resume/possible fun future things...

BA French
BA Linguistics
Minor Psych
MA Linguistics or French? (Everyone now is telling me to do this. Everyone = adviser and coworker)
Early Ed Degree (No idea what level)

1 mo African Orphanage
7 mos French School (paid job)
3 years Office Job
Daycare job?

Lots of fun possibilities! I need to focus on the more immediate stuff though. Math placement test! Register. Make sure I'm cleared for Graduation. Secure job for next year. All big choices after that can wait until Fall when its time to apply!!

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