So first off - I got the score back on the paper I was talking about with my last post. 20/20 on the first draft! I have a lot of corrections to make, but none of them were the type that lost me points! I'm only writing about this because clearly I wasn't expecting it!!
On to more important matters - It is SNOWING! It was 1", 2" and then 2.5" last time I checked. Its been awhile and its still coming down hard, so I'll let you know how much snow there is when I finish writing this post! I was worried about the snow because I am babysitting tomorrow and don't want to drive in the snow. So, I decided to be honest and email the woman I am babysitting for. I asked her if it would be possible to have a ride because I have no experience in driving in the snow, and even if it isn't snowing when I leave it may be snowing by the time they get back home at night. She agreed, saying something could be arranged and that if it is too bad that they won't go out, but hopefully that won't be necessary. I still feel bad about inconveniencing them, but this way the decision to drive in snow is solely their opinion, the only ones deciding are the ones driving.
Lindsay was supposed to come over and hang out tonight, but she was unable to last minute so we rescheduled for next week. That left me without plans last minute. So, I am looking at the snow (in awe!), watching TV shows, and calling people and talking. I mean, I have a pretty good reason to call people....
Afterall, I did get a JOB today. It is official! My boss told me that they do have enough money for the temp job (nothing yet on the permanent job, but this is already more than I could ask for!!). She said they are filling out all the necessary work, and it's unlikely that I'll have to do anything (but maybe sign a form). I get a pay increase (50%!!!), and I have cap hours of 1050hrs. They recommend that I work 30 hours a week so that I can work there for about 8-9 months. That works well for me, because if I don't get the full-time position, that would leave me working right up until the end of my apartment lease. I figure at that point my choices would be endless! I am very happy and grateful for this job, and this time I said Thank You to my boss for arranging all this. (I have been too flustered to think of such a simple phrase in the past...) I am going to wait to tell most people until Thanksgiving, but as far as I know, the only ones who read this site are Laura (who I already told), Rachael (who I already told), Shelley (who I would tell if she answered her phone), and Anna (who I haven't yet told, but will probably check her email before she checks this blog). Therefore I can wait to tell everyone else in person!
Oh, speaking of people who read this blog - I forgot to ask you about your Christmas break schedule/time-line Laura! I want to discuss possible times that I will visit you! I'm SURE you won't read this before I call you tomorrow....
Ok, so I think that is it for updates, so... the current height of the snow is: 4" and growing!!
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