Sunday, November 21, 2010

To Walk or Not to Walk?

I need to decide soon if I'm going to walk at graduation. I had decided previously that yes, I am going to... but it costs $85. Is the finality of walking worth that money? Probably parents would normally pay that, but I don't feel like making the parents spend that much either... So now I have a dilemma! Advantages to walking: I feel more done. Advantages to not walking: easier and cheaper. Also, I don't know too many people who are graduating this quarter (only 2 people, I think), so it wouldn't be very social friend wise. In addition, I doubt any friends would want to sit through it either. I don't know if walking will make me feel done.. having 2 weeks off for Christmas may help that enough...

In other news.... the snow hasn't melted away yet, which I like. Well kinda. I'm still worried about driving home for Thanksgiving (which I may not do, I may instead get a ride from someone). I'm listening to Christmas music. I may stop soon... but I don't know what else I'm in the mood for... :/ It is supposed to snow a bit this evening... we'll see if that actually happens.

I'm kind of cleaning my room. I have the kind of there because I can't be certain that I'll stick with this long enough to notice a difference. :)

Oh, and I didn't end up babysitting on Saturday because the family decided not to go out in the snow. I really hope that it wasn't because they were worried about the extra driving due to providing me with a ride.... I also hope that there is another, non-snowy day where I can babysit for them!

Ok... well I'm going to get back to cleaning. Yay!

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