Wednesday, February 2, 2011


So... two things that I have done today. Unfortunately, today has been a lazy day.... And I had a lot of plans about what I could do tonight, but didn't end up getting them done. Since I've been reading so much, I had to catch up on two TV shows then try and learn about what is going on in Egypt. In my defense, after I eat dinner, I really only have 3 - 4 hours before bedtime..... but that is a lame excuse because that defense is the exact reason I made up this game. So....

1. Does learning about what is going on in Egypt count? I mean... I know very little about Egypt's past or present... so I had a lot of learning to do. Though of course I still know next to nothing. It's kind of like I am still in school! But I'm just trying not to be ignorant, which means maybe this should be an "ordinary" activity and not count.

2. Does doing laundry count? I'm not sure because it is only one thing on a long list of chores I was supposed to do tonight. Laundry's the one I can't ignore because I can't go to work naked!!

2. Just in case that one didn't count, I walked to work this morning instead of rode the bus! Oh wait... that was just because I was running late and missed it.

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