Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Be Good

This morning I should have gone to work, seeing as I'm low on hours for this pay period. Instead, I slept in. It was very bad of me. Though, I did have a wonderful leisurely morning consisting of pancakes, CASTLE (lovely episode BTW) and time to wake up before getting out. However, because I didn't work this morning, I had to skip class and work this afternoon. Luckily the class I skip is very skipable: all of the material is online. Its just a sad class to skip. :( Its fun!

Well anyhoo because I was bad, I told myself I had to be good this evening. After work I went to the library and worked on HW for over an hour, then I went straight home and did my errands (grocery shopping). Then, I got right to my semantics HW and worked on them almost straight until now. I was good! No procrastinating! I'm just going to hop in the shower and read my French as I go to bed, but it seems like I'll be in bed at a reasonable hour! Go me!

What I like to interpret as a reward for my good behavior: a gift from my Syntax prof. Class is cancelled tomorrow! I don't know why (I hope its nothing bad), but regardless: this means I get an extra hours work in! I am now inspired to do more good (ie not procrastinate, I'm not talking about anything actually important in the world).

Which is good, because besides a fair share of HW, I also really need to do a lot of laundry tomorrow! Lets see if I can pull it off again!

PS. If I get to bed soon after my shower, this will be my second night in a row of going to bed at a reasonable hour! Go me!

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