Saturday, January 16, 2010

To blog about...

This is kinda like a note to myself, but I'm making it public. Eh, prolly people won't even read this until I edit it!

-homemade fried bread
-awesome house on sims

Since someone responded I feel like itd be weird to edit it, cause then anyone who stumbles across it later would be mighty confused by the comments. Sooo, I'll just write in a new post. :)


  1. Boooo. I still don't feel like writing the posts, so you may not be the only one who'll stumble across it!

  2. I was just going to ask about that, since they are still unwritten. I have a list as well, but it stays in my little black notebook for no one to see but me- that way no one can tell how many idea's I dont follow through on.
