Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Years!

One of my New Years resolutions was to start a blog - so here I go!

Here is a shortened version of my New Years resolutions (in addition to the basic health-related ones)...

-Read more, and keep track of all the books I read in 2010. I'm looking forward to a great start to this list: Anna just bought me Pride and Prejudice! I just read it a few days ago, but that was technically last year and I'm looking forward to reading it again!

-Do more arts and crafts. And keep record of them (with the blog!). I always like to think about what kinds of arts and crafts I could/should do, but I never actually do them -- I think its a good year to change that!

-Clean/Organize/Decorate my apartment and keep it that way. I love having a clean organized place, but for some reason continue to live in a pig sty. I'd like to do before and after photos -- that seems like ample motivation, doesn't it?

-Write. I've always wanted to write, and years ago I wrote some short stories. Ideas of "novels" pop into my head all the time. I think it would be very cool to set goals and actually write! All I have to do is get some sort of word like program on my computer, and then I can become an acclaimed author... :)

-I would love to try out different vegetarian meals. It'd be nice to actually use my cookbooks, to do shopping based on ingredients instead of premade meals, and have cool and delicious meals that I can share with friends.

-I would say a trend to the resolutions I'm sharing here is: In general, become more "accomplished", Pride and Prejudice style. Other random things like learn more ASL, practice the piano, and plan/prepare/study interests (like for owning a Day Care).

So, how about you? What are your New Years resolutions?


  1. I like yours...I didn't make any. So I'll just grab one that you made and call it my own. OK? I take the reading one. I like the idea of making note of every book that I read. :) Good idea!

  2. I happily share my resolutions!

  3. You seem almost like an adult with resolutions like that...

    I wonder what that makes me?
