Sunday, February 21, 2010

Long overdue update!

Wow, so its been (not that long of) a while. I guess there are a few things to update on!

I had my first french babysitting thing on Wednesday. It went really well. We didn't do too much French, because the point was largely to get to know each other. I could tell hes interested in learning the french, but that I'm going to have to work really hard to make it interesting.

On a similar note, my boss mentioned how she wished I had a car so that I could do afterschool care for him. Just out of curiously I decided to ask my Dad what would be the logistics of me buying the red car from him. He said that it would be 400/year for the insurance (very good!), that it would still be in their name, so I wouldn't have to buy it, and that all I would really have to pay for is gas. Which is very tempting. Before I get it I have to make sure that a) Brian, who has been using it, is positive he won't need it (he seems pretty sure) b) that I actually want to have that responsibility up here c) I can find a place to park it (don't like my parking lot) and finally, d) that I make enough money through having the car to make it worth buying it.

So I mentioned to my boss that I casually talked to my Dad about getting the car, and asked her if I were to do the afterschool care stuff, what would the details be.. She said I would get paid very well, it would start in September and that I would be perfect for the job. I told her I was worried because I can't know my schedule ahead of time, and that its possible I could have a class that goes past 3:30. She said that is her one worry and we'll just have to wait and see, think about it some. We have some time to figure out the logistics.

If I were to do this, I wouldn't be able to work at my current job from 3-5, M-F, which is 10 hours. That isn't to say that I'll only get 9 hrs/week though (19 is the maximum), I could start earlier in the day and I may be able to get close to 19. She said specifically that she still wants me to work at this job, so if she were to hire be as a nanny/babysitter, that I should keep two jobs. I would definitely make enough to make getting the car worth it. Plus I would love to have a car up here this summer when there are not that many people about, I'll be able to go home whenever I want!, and even though I'll have less friends up here, I'll still be able to get around! Wow!

So both those points are kind of at a standstill (getting the car, nannying regularly) but if both happen, it could be awesome! It would also help with babysitting others, as well, so it may open a whole new world. (those last four words are of course said in song form)

Ok wow, so that was a ramble and probably not said as easily and directly as it could have. But hmm...what other updates are there?

Oh yea, well this is kind of related, but it has to do with graduation and moving and all that good stuff. So when I was talking to her, I was thinking how if I only plan on having 2 more quarters, I would leave her without a nanny mid year through, and that isn't cool. Therefore if I do get this job then I would have part-time job security through June, and possibly full-time job security the next summer. This means I would stay in bellingham longer. I'm not sure how I feel about this...let me explain..

Ok, so I love Edmonds and want to move back down there. However, once I move down there, it is so permanent. Unless there is some unforeseen circumstance, I would never live in Bellingham again. That seems very severe and extreme, and very immediate considering how soon I'm graduating. I was thinking that it would be very stressful to a) find a 6 month lease and b) have to move out immediately after graduation. Plus, friends will still be up here, even the ones who may move back to the same area, so I would be strangely alone (Anna won't even be down there!).

So I mentioned to Rachael (we think we're going to live together next year) and she said that she too plans on staying up for more than 6 months - apparently she changed her major and will take longer to graduate - I didn't get details so she should use her lovely blog to explain that, or just tell me in person. :) So, it could be that I would stay in Bellingham longer. I would have a job from 3-6 M-F, but I would have my daytime free meaning I could do babysitting/nannying/working in a daycare like never before.

Assuming that I actually do graduate in winter. Oh, and I would have to do the online classes route like Laura did in order to keep my health insurance. (I obviously still want a break before I go for my ECE degree).

Hmmm, ok so now THIS is a long rant, and I'm surprised if anyone is still reading. I think thats the main new news. Talk to you later!


  1. about the car...GREAT idea!!!!So worth it! :) And I don't like your parking lot either.

  2. Yea I think I would find somewhere nearby to park the car, like a part of the parking lot that doesn't get towed or something. During the summer it should be easy with all the guest spaces though. I'm actually getting more and more excited about having a car up here!

  3. Oh, and Anna: you should visit more than once a week!!!

  4. cool (i had all sorts of various comments along the way, but they are long forgotten). Cool.

  5. I want to hear your comments!!!! :(
